3.89 lakh Netrakona babies to get vitamin A plus capsules


BSS, Netrakona :

A total of 3.89 lakh under five-year babies would be administered with vitamin-A plus capsules in the district during the day long national vitamin A plus capsules campaign-2023 on December 12.
This was stated by Civil Surgeon (CS) of Netrakona Dr. Mohammad Salim Mia told this at a press conference here on Tuesday at his official conference room.
In the press conference, the civil surgeon informed the journalists on the preparatory measures undertaken by the district health and family planning departments for making the national vitamin-A plus campaign successful.
The CS highlighted the necessities of feeding of the Vitamin-A plus capsules for the under-five aged babies in order to prevent their malnutrition and blindness specially night blindness side by side of strengthening their immune system and ensuring their healthier growth.