80 pc buildings in Dhaka have no sewage system: DWASA


Staff Reporter :
Dhaka Water Supply And Sewerage Authority on Saturday said that about 80 per cent buildings have no sewage systems in the capital city.
“As per the law of Rajdhani Unnyaan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), every building has to establish sewage systems. But, only 20 per cent of buildings in the city have the systems. The rest of the houses used to pour their sewage wastes directly to city corporations’ drains,” Wasa Managing Director Engineer Taqsem A Khan said it while addressing a view exchanging meeting in its office at Karwanbazar in the capital.
The Wasa chief said that Dhaka North City Corporation has set six months timeline to the building owners to fix sewage systems.
If they fail to do so, the DNCC will close all drains connection points with those buildings, he added.
Taqsem A Khan said, WASA has started to construct five sewage waste treatment plants in Daserkandi, Uttara, Rayerbazar, Mirpur and Pagla of Narayangonj to eliminate air and water pollutions from sewage waste.
Among those, the construction work of Daserkandi plant is nearly ended.
We are optimistic to start the operation through the plant by 2023.
“After completing work of those plants, the problem would be solved and the rivers and canals of the city would be pollution free,” WASA MD said.
He said, the aim of WASA is to make sustainable, environment friendly and pro-people water management system.
“On the pace of its journey, Dhaka WASA is now become a role model in water management in South Asia,” he said.
The MD said that WASA has a capability of extracting 270 to 275 crore liters water every day.
It is supplying all of the demand of 260 to 265 crore liters of water every day alone.
Taqsem A Khan said, the WASA is collecting 33 pc of its water from surface sources and 67 pc from under surface sources.
“It will collect 70 pc of its water from surface sources and only 30 pc from underground sources by 2023,” he said.
The WASA chief said that preparation work of phase-3 of Sayedabad water treatment plant is ongoing.
It would be treated about 45 crore liters of water every day, he said.
Besides, Gondhorbpur water treatment plant would treat about 50 core liters of water from Meghna River every day to supply in the capital, he added.