Visiting tea plantation experts opine: A most prospective zone for tea cultivation with earnings of Tk 300 cr annually

Sarwaruddin , Chattogram Bureau :
The Government has recently drawn up Small Tea Holdings Cultivation programmes aimed at self-sufficiency in tea productions across the country as well as exports to abroad.
Recently the consumptions of tea increased in the country to which export being lessened gradually.
At present Bangladesh is also importing tea from abroad to meet the total demands. According to Govt’s recent plannings of Small Tea Holding Cultivations, a high powered team consists of Bangladesh Tea Board and Bangladesh Tea Research Institute officials visited Raozan Upazila on Monday aimed at visiting the probable sites for the cultivation.
 A team of BTB and BTRI visited office of Upazila Nirbahi officer,Raozan Md Jonaid Kabir Sohag and discussed the matter of tea plantation in this upazila. The team members consists of Dr. AKM Rafikul Hoque, Director ,BTB , Mr. Ashim Kumar Saha, Sr. Scientific Officer(Soil), BTRI, Sree Mongal, Mashiur Rahman , Scientific officer, BRTI Fatikchari . UNO Jonaid Kabir Sohag, and Agri Officer of Raozan were present in the discussions with the visiting officials. The leader of the team told that Small Tea Holding cultigvations will undergo in six upazilas of Chattogram viz. Raozan, Rangunia, Fatikchari, Hathazari, Mirsarai and Sitakunda in about 1000 hectors of land .
 He said more than 1000 acres of land will come under tea cultivations of this programs in Raozan Upazila. They disclosed this proposed tea cultivation will undergo in Kadalpur , Haladia, Dabua, East Raozan & West Raozan , Pahartali and Noapara unions .
 After long discussions in the morning in presence of upazila officials and journalists , the t eam members visited the sites at Mid Point Resorts area, Bagan Bari complex and Giri Chaya surrounding areas in West & East Raozan areas under Raozan pourashava of the upazila. The visting officials expressed satisfaction after viewing the areas for tea cultivations and hoped Raozan will be turned into a tea resources area beside the existing Rubber plantation zone.
The officials opined that Rubber plantation is a losing sector at present and govt is giving subsidy about Tk.5 crores annually in Raozan plantations and both cultivations may go simultaneously if the soil and environment permits for joint cultivations.
Mentionable that 13000 acres of land remained under Rubber cultivations in Raozan which is losing sector of the country.