A positive relationship between teachers and students matters


Mohammad Rukanuddin :

Strong links exist between improved academic performance and excellent student-teacher interactions.

When students and teachers are in close, supportive relationship, the conditions for learning and academic achievement are created.

The academic performance of the students is improved when there is a positiverelationship between them and their teachers.

When students and teachers get along well, the teachers are more likely to be interested in what they are teaching.

The students are motivated to participate actively in class discussions, ask questions, and finish challenging tasks. The outcome of this connection is a deeper understanding of the subject matter and improved academic performance.

According to a recent story in The Guardian, a recent extensive assessment of the variables linked to student accomplishment revealed that teacher-student connections were more important than teachers’ topic expertise, teacher preparation, or family or institutional influences.

A solid rapport between students and teachers facilitates communication. When students feel comfortable discussing their ideas, concerns, and difficulties with teachers, they may provide guidance, clarification, and support in return. With the help of this honest and fruitful discourse, students may overcome obstacles, gain understanding, and improve their subject matter learning.

Teachers that get along well with their students are better able to recognize each student’s unique learning needs and modify their instruction.

They can provide tailored help, identify potential growth areas, and, if required, provide additional resources or guidance.

The individualized attention students get helps them overcome challenges and fulfill their academic potential.


Both sides gain from developing a relationship of respect and trust with teachers.

When they have faith in their facilitators, students are more driven to learn and succeed academically.

The notion that their teachers genuinely care about their growth and welfare encourages pupils to put out the required effort to achieve, and it fosters a positive view on learning.

A positive teacher-student relationship promotes students’ emotional well-being, which is closely tied to their academic success.

When students feel valued, understood, and encouraged, their levels of tension, anxiety, and other emotional obstacles that could impede learning are lower.

By promoting a happy learning environment, teachers can help children develop a strong sense of belonging and general well-being, which has a significant impact on students’ academic progress.

It is, therefore, imperative to keep in mind that both students and teachers must be involved in order to develop solid relationships. Strong relationships require active participation from both parties in order to develop and endure.

An education specialist claims that how well our love of teaching transfers into their passion for learning depends on the quality of our interactions with our students.

When teachers and students work together in a polite and motivating way, learners’ academic development is boosted because students are drawn into the learning process and are motivated to learn when there is a positive teacher-student interaction.

The writer is Assistant Professor of English at Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka
