Commentary: A renowned journalist was killed targeting her with impunity as puppet


Editorial Desk :
A duel Palestinian-American Al Jazeera’s journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has allegedly been shot dead by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. The head of the medicine department at al-Najah University in Nablus also confirmed that she was shot in the head. Shireen Abu Akleh, a longtime TV correspondent for Al Jazeera Arabic News, was killed on Wednesday while covering Israeli army raids in the city of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank. She was wearing a press vest that clearly marked her as a journalist.
An icon of the Palestinian coverage, Shireen Abu Akleh, 51, was popularly known in almost every house of the Middle East. She worked for the channel in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Her death underscores the heavy price the conflict continues to exact on Palestinians, whether they are journalists or not.
According to the health ministry and Al Jazeera journalists, Shireen was rushed to a hospital in Jenin in critical condition, where she was declared dead shortly afterward. Another Al Jazeera journalist, Ali al-Samoudi, was also wounded by a bullet in the back at the scene. However, he is now in stable condition.
Meanwhile, Al Jazeera has accused Israeli security forces of deliberately targeting and killing Shireen Abu Akleh and called on the international community to condemn and hold Israel accountable. According to Al-Samoudi and other journalists present there, there was no Palestinian gunman in the area at the time. “The Israeli army shot us, though there was no Palestinian gunman in the place.”
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority presidency condemned the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh as a “heinous crime”, saying the murder was “part of the Israeli occupation’s policy of targeting journalist to obscure the truth and commit crimes silently”. The Palestinian public prosecution said authorities had started an investigation into the killing of Abu Akleh and would take the case to the international criminal court.
However, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett claimed that “armed Palestinians – who were firing indiscriminately at the time – were responsible for the unfortunate death of the journalist.”
No investigation will reveal the truth unless the International Criminal Court undertakes the investigation. Israel will oppose it. The terrorist Israeli army knows killing Palestinian Muslims is joy for them and they have the support of Israeli government.
Condemnation is pouring in from all over the world including the USA and European Union. The shameful thing is as a terrorist country claim to fight the Palestinians as terrorist the worst victims. The Existence of Palestinian statehood is denied. Their land is freely grabbed. International law is nothing to them. Disunity among the Muslim countries is a great shame for all the Muslims.
To express sorrow, anger against Israel has frozen futile. As anti-Muslim country Israel is a threat to peace. The Israeli-Palestine statehood problem is kept unresolved for no good.
