Abdul Mobin promoted as SEVP of Al-Arafah Bank


Business Desk :
Mohammad Abdul Mobin has been promoted to senior executive vice president of Al-Arafah Islami Bank PLC.

Mobin joined Al-Arafah Islami Bank in April, 2013 as Head of Treasury.

He started his banking career with Sonali Bank in 1998 as Probationary Officer under Bankers Recruitment Committee (BRC) recruitment.


Later, he joined Agrani Bank as Senior Officer under BRC recruitment & switched to NCC Bank.
During his long tenure of 26 years, he mastered skill, knowledge and expertise in every aspect of banking activity.

He also has expertise on local and foreign currency management, Government Securities, ALM analysis and risk management, Foreign Remittance, correspondent banking & Offshore banking operation.

He is the member secretary of Asset Liability Committee (ALCO), member of All Risk Committee (ARC), Supervisory Review Process (SRP), Foreign Exchange Risk Management Committee of the bank.