Amitabh Reza plans to release ‘Rickshaw Girl’ in February 2024


Entertainment Report :
Director Amitabh Reza Chowdhury expressed his desire to present his movie titled ‘Rickshaw Girl’ to
the audience of Bangladesh next year.

Last Wednesday night on Facebook, Amitabh Reza shared a poster of the movie ‘Rickshaw Girl’.

He wrote, “Dhaka’s Rickshaws and Rickshaw art have been recognised by UNESCO.

Our movie is about that rickshaw picture and we hope to bring it to cinemas in Bangladesh next year.”

It is noted that amidst the news of Dhaka’s rickshaws and rickshaw paintings being recognised on UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


When inquired about the release date for 2024, Amitabh Reza informed that the aim is to release the movie in February.

Amitabh Reza made the movie ‘Rickshaw Girl’ based on the novel by Mitali Perkins, an Indian-American author. The movie has already accumulated numerous international film awards.

In January of 2023, the movie had an exclusive screening at Bangla Academy on the third day of the Dhaka Lit Fest.

This event provided a significant opportunity for the country’s audience to experience the movie before its official release.

The UNESCO acknowledged Rickshaws and Rickshaw painting in Dhaka, also known as ‘Rickshawchitra’ noting that the slow pace of the rickshaw allows passengers on the road to easily observe its intricate decorations.