Ananda Mohan College closed due to factional tension of BCL


News Desk :
The Anandamohan College authorities on Saturday announced to close the college dormitories following factional clashes between two groups of Chhatra League, ruling Awami League-backed stident organisation.
A notice, signed by Anandamohan College principal Md Aman Ullah, was issued in this regard on Saturday evening.
The notice asked the male students to vacate the dormitories by 8:00pm on the day while the female students were asked to leave the dormitories by 8:00am on Sunday.
The clashes took place as the central unit of Chhatra League, on Friday night, announced that the Anandamohan College unit Chhatra League was under the district unit Chhatra League. The announcement created dissatisfaction amongst the leaders and members of Mymensingh Municipality unit Chhatra League.
Earlier, the decision irked the Mymensingh metropolitan unit of the organization as it wanted control of the college unit, prompting clashes between the two factions on Saturday. Crude bombs were reportedly used during the skirmishes. The college authorities shut down the dorms in the evening to prevent any untoward incidents and keep the situation under control.
Meanwhile, the sudden decision has put the resident students of the college in a predicament. The male students were seen leaving the college premises on Saturday night while the female students left on Sunday morning. Speaking to the media, Ananda Mohan College Principal Md Aman Ullah said, “As tension persists between the two groups of Chhatra League, we had to close the dormitories to avoid any untoward incident. Dormitories will be opened after the situation becomes normal.”
Inspector of Mymensingh Kotwali police station Farque Ahmed said police are on alert following the tension among the students. Additional police forces have been deployed in the college area to avoid any untoward incident, he added.