Bangladesh seeks science based solution to global climate crisis


The Bangladesh delegation in COP28 has called for a scientific solution to the ongoing climate change crisis.

While speaking to UNB, Saber Hossain Chowdhury, the prime minister’s special envoy for climate change, emphasised on effective decision-making regarding the use of fossil fuels on the basis of science, reports UNB.

“To keep global temperature rise under the 1.5-degree celsius threshold, tough decisions on fossil fuels need to be made. A lot of countries are talking a lot. But we need to focus on what the science says.

The decisions of the 28th climate summit must be based on science,” said the head of the Bangladesh delegation in Dubai.

“Today and tomorrow are two important days. We are hoping to bring something effective from this conference,” said Saber Hossain Chowdhury.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh also expressed disappointment over the draft text of the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) at the conference and demanded doubling of the climate adaptation funding.

“We are reviewing the draft right now. Hopefully, with like-minded countries, we can strengthen this draft in the next two days.”


At the conference, Bangladesh emphasised on political commitments from major carbon emitters to reduce global carbon emissions.

In this case, developed countries will have to play a leadership role to keep global warming within the range of 1.5 degrees celsius, according to the Bangladesh delegation.

While talking to UNB, Forest and Climate Change Minister Md Shahab Uddin stressed new and additional government funding.

“Bangladesh needs to double the adaptation fund to implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

We look forward to deciding the Global Goal on Adaptation with emphasis on time-bound and implementable targets to achieve climate resilience,” said the minister.

The Dubai Climate Conference, also known as the COP28, will end on Tuesday.

On the last day of the Dubai Climate Summit, which made history by making the historic decision to activate the Loss and Damage Fund on the opening day, afflicted nations like Bangladesh are waiting to learn what the final deal would deliver to the world.