Barishal police hoist banners to stop extortion

BARISHAL: The under-construction houses in different areas of Barishal city hold banners hoisted by Barishal Metropolitan Police bearing a 'special notification' to stop extortion. This photo was taken from the city's Modern Liberty Tower on Monday.

Barishal Correspondent :

Barishal Metropolitan Police (BMP) hoisted banners of ‘special notification’ to stop extortion from the owners of under-construction houses. These banners have been placed in the under construction houses in different areas of four police station of BMP since last four days.
In those special notification banners of BMP, it was written that ‘the construction work of this house is being monitored by the Barishal Metropolitan Police’.
On the banner it is also written that the landlord will purchase bricks, sand, rods and other construction materials from a convenient place of his choice. Strict legal action will be taken if anyone forcibly tries to buy or sell any kind of construction material against the will land lord or demand toll.
In case of any complaint related to extortion, please contact any of the following numbers. After that, the officer in charge (OC), assistant commissioner (AC), zone deputy police commissioner and metropolitan police control room numbers have been given in the banner.
In this regard, BMP deputy commissioner (South) Ali Ashraf Bhuiya acknowledging the facts on Monday said , “Special notice” banners have been placed on the under construction buildings in the four police stations under the jurisdiction of BMP .
It was placed because if any kind of extortion happens or demanded, victims can immediately inform policemen about it. Then police can also take immediate action in this regard, he told.
Stating that such initiatives will continue to stop extortion, BMP DC further said that there are several verbal complaints of extortion in various techniques in the under-construction building sites. In view of which the Metropolitan Police is doing this work proactively.
Mentionable under-construction building owners, house owners are forced to buy brick-sand from various sand pits and brick pits under the umbrella of the toll – collection gangs in the metropolitan area.
