BNP extends mass campaign programme for 2 days


Staff Reporter :
The main opposition party-BNP- has extended its mass campaign and leaflet distribution programme for more two days in support of boycotting the national election and non-cooperation movement against the Awami League government.

BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Thursday announced the extension of the programme at a virtual press briefing.

Thursday was the last day of the party’s three-day mass campaign and leaflet distribution programme but it has been extended, Rizvi said.

“The programme will continue till next Friday and Saturday,” he said.

Meanwhile, BNP Standing Committee Member Nazrul Islam Khan has alleged that the next polls is nothing but only an effort of prolonging the ‘illegal’ tenure of this ‘undemocratic’ government.

Speaking at a brief rally before leaflet distribution programme in front of National Press Club on Thursday, Nazrul Islam Khan said, “This election is just an effort to prolong the tenure of a government deemed illegal, accused of corruption and exploiting the nation’s resources and infringing upon the rights of its citizens.”


“What we witness today is a mockery of democracy under the guise of an election. This is merely a game being played out in the name of elections, devoid of genuine public participation,” he said.

The BNP leader said the absence of opposition parties diminishes the chance for people to voice their opinions.

“Without a true opposition challenging the government, the people are left without a meaningful choice to vote. Consequently, the people will boycott this election,” Nazrul Islam Khan said.

The BNP and its allies including Jamaat-e-Islami announced a three-day mass campaign, from 26 to 28 December, urging voters to boycott the upcoming national polls scheduled for 7 January.

Besides, on 20 December, the BNP announced a non-cooperation movement against the government, calling upon the party’s leaders and activists not to appear before courts in connection with any case.
