BNP questions over delaying BDR mutiny case


Staff Reporter :
BNP has raised concerns over the protracted legal proceedings of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) mutiny case. Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan, a member of the BNP Standing Committee, expressed these concerns on Sunday, questioning the prolonged duration of the case proceedings.

“We’ve heard about the verdict in the BDR carnage case, but what’s the current status? Has there been any appeal, and why has the hearing not concluded after 15 years?

Additionally, another explosive case was filed in 2011… Why is the trial still ongoing?” queried the BNP leader. Dr. Moyeen Khan made these remarks while paying homage at the Banani Military graveyard to those who
lost their lives in the Pilkhana carnage.


He emphasized, “Today, we reiterate one point: every citizen of Bangladesh deserves justice through effective governance and adherence to the rule of law.”

On February 25, 2009, several hundred Bangladesh Rifles (now BGB) personnel staged an armed uprising at the Darbar Hall of the force’s Peelkhana headquarters during the three-day ‘BDR Week.’ This tragic event resulted in the loss of 74 lives, including 57 Army officers.

The mutiny came to an end on February 26, following negotiations between the government of the time and the BDR rebels, leading to the surrender of firearms, ammunition, and grenades.
