BNP will stay on streets till ouster of AL govt: Moyeen

BNP and other like-minded parties distribute leaflets in front of the National Press Club on Saturday, demanding election boycott.

Staff Reporter :
The main opposition party-BNP on Saturday resolved said that they along with the people will stay on the streets until this autocratic regime is ousted.

“We will oust this Awmai League government through the ongoing noncooperation movement.

We will stay in the streets until this autocratic regime is unseated,” BNP Standing Committee Member Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan said while distributing leaflet among the people in front of the National Press Club urging them to boycott the upcoming ‘fake’ parliament elections.

Dr. Abdul Moyeen Khan said the BNP will continue its movement peacefully.

“We are carrying out the movement to get back the basic rights and voting rights of the people,” he said.

The BNP leader said their party is committed to establishing a pro-people government in the country by removing the unrepresentative government in a completely peaceful and systematic democratic process like a non-cooperation movement.

“Distributing leaflets on the streets is aiming to make people aware of their rights.

We’re talking to people to encourage them to carry out the fight for establishing a representative government,” Dr. Moyeen said.
He questioned why the Awami League government is so afraid of people’s votes even though it claims to have carried out enormous development in the country.

“Why is the government holding a fake lopsided election of seat sharing and distributions? This is now the question of 18 crore people of Bangladesh,” he said. Dr Moyeen along with the leaders of Jatiyatabadi Muktijoddha Dal, the freedom fighters’ wing of the BNP, distributed the leaflets to drum up public support in favour of the opposition’s stance on boycotting the upcoming election slated for January 7.


Apart from this, BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi also distributed the leaflets in the capital’s Rampura and Shahjahanpur areas.

Talking to reporters at Rampura, Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said the government is arranging a farcical election by fielding dummy candidates themselves using the state machinery.

He said the government usurped power in 2014 and 2018 without voting with the help of a neighbouring country.

“They’re again trying to retain power through another stage-managed election with the support of the neighbouring country, ignoring the opinions of the country’s people.”

The BNP leader called upon the country’s people to boycott the election and not to go to the polling stations to cast their votes on January 7.

The leaders of BNP and like-minded parties also distributed the leaflets in different areas of the capital urging people to boycott the lopsided election.

Later, at a virtual press briefing, Rizvi said the court have delivered verdict against BNP leader Akhtar Hamid Paban, son of the former BNP Secretary General late Khandaker Delwar Hossain, in an old case.

He urged the court to withdraw the verdict as the case was ‘fake’. He also urged the administration to shun the path of arresting and filing false cases against the BNP men.
