Book fair preparations on


Md. Moniruzzaman :
The month-long Amar Ekushey Book Fair, also known as the writer-reader-publisher reunion, is knocking the door and the Bangla Academy is making preparations to kick off the gala event from its traditional date- the first day of February.

This year, the Bangla Academyitselfis doing all the work of the fair as the book fair organizer did not get satisfactory corporation from various event management organizations.


The structure layout of this year’s book fair remains the same as like the previous year where the main stage of the fair will be placed on the Bangla Academy premises.

The book unwrapping and Lekhak Bolchi stages will be set up on Suhrawardy Udyan premises. Besides, the children’s yard positioned near the Ramna Kali Mondir gate, according to the Bangla Academy.
