Cabinet to expand with new faces


Abu Jakir  :
The swearing-in ceremony for the twelfth National Parliament has concluded, and the formation of the new cabinet is complete. However, discussions have emerged regarding a potential expansion of the cabinet following the election of the remaining 50 reserved seats for women at the end of this month.

Senior leaders of the ruling Awami League suggest that the cabinet’s size might increase by adding 10-11 new members. There is an ongoing

debate about whether these additions will consist of new faces or existing members in the second phase.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who took the oath for the fourth consecutive term on January 11, formed the cabinet with 37 members, including 25 ministers and 11 state ministers. The potential expansion is anticipated after the election for the reserved women’s seats.

Obaidul Quader, the General Secretary of the Awami League, stated that the decision to expand the cabinet depends on the Prime Minister. However, there are indications that some ministries, like Labor and Employment and Culture, may get new ministers as there are currently no separate ministers or state ministers for these portfolios.

Sources within the Awami League and the government suggest that elected women may become ministers from the reserved seats, pending the Prime Minister’s approval. As the scope of government work increases, there is a discussion about enlarging the cabinet, with a possibility of giving priority to young leaders.


According to party and ministry sources, the cabinet may see 11 new members after the lawmakers of reserved seats for women are sworn in. The speculated additions include at least one new minister, six to seven state ministers, and two to three deputy ministers, making it a 47-member cabinet if all are included.

Cabinet Division officials believe the cabinet’s size will increase, but details are withheld as the Prime Minister holds the power to expand the cabinet. An anonymous official revealed, “We are prepared to include a dozen new faces in the cabinet. Officials concerned have been instructed to prepare 12 vehicles for the new members.”

Potential changes include a full minister in the commerce ministry and new state ministers in crucial portfolios such as food, agriculture, industries, finance, land, labor and employment, cultural affairs, and health ministries.

Among the individuals in discussion for inclusion in the new cabinet are prominent figures like AFM Bahauddin Nasim, SM Kamal, Faridunnahar Laily, Mirza Azam, Ahmed Kaikaus (former World Bank group alternate executive director), Abul Kalam Azad (former principal secretary to PM), Mahboob Rahman Ruhel (son of Engineer Mosharraf Hossain), and Shirin Akhter (Jasad general secretary).

The final decision rests with the Prime Minister, and as anticipation builds, the political landscape is poised for potential changes in the cabinet’s composition.
