CFS concept for improving quality education

Bangladesh is fast approaching development. The main goal of development is the people. So education to get people involved in the development process. This is one of the main responsibilities of the government. Special steps have been taken to promote qu
Bangladesh is fast approaching development. The main goal of development is the people. So education to get people involved in the development process. This is one of the main responsibilities of the government. Special steps have been taken to promote qu
Md. Mustafizur Rahman :
Without education no nation can prosper. But that education must be qualitative, enjoyable and international standards. The educated nation can ensure the sustainable development of a country. It is the globalization times for this the education and culture of other countries of the world is aligned with our education and culture. So if we cannot advance our education system internationally, we will be left behind in the development process. SDG 4.7 “Emphasizes the importance of students’ cultural knowledge and skills in sustainable development”| BD government is trying to develop education system with the view of global standards. Already PRSP emphasize education as a key to human development.  
Each school needs a child-friendly environment/child-friendly spaces CFS. Where teachers create joyful environments and children can practice cultural activities and sports, as well as learn about WASH, healthcare, abuse, safety or protecting themselves from harm. In 1995, UNICEF’s Innocent Research Centre held a workshop on the theme child-friendly school. Where an outline is created with 13 ideas to make CFS successful. Later, the CFS model has improved a lot and the number of countries in which UNICEF is using the approach increased steadily, from an estimated 33 countries in 2004 to 56 countries in 2007. The American Institute for Research (AIR) conducted a global study on January 2008 about CFS effectiveness in 6 countries. It shows that it is very effective in improving quality education.
In the modern education system enjoyable environment is very effective. Of the 29 marginal eligibility criteria for primary school children in Bangladesh, there are about 15 co-curriculum subjects. Giving education happily increases students’ interest. Their creativity and morals evolve and values are born. This plays a role in human rights, peace and non-violent mentality| According to UNICEF, a child-friendly educational institution is inclusive, protective, and healthy for all children. On April 1, 2007, the writer of USA, Halbert wrote the famous news paper (The New York Times) that “We should have to build every student, give full scope to students’ ideological, moral, cultural and sciatic potentials and raise their physical and psychological aptitudes” Oxfam published a study in 2005 that, “there is a deep relation between curriculum, teaching methodology, teaching materials, learning environment and learning outcomes”. In the same way USAID publish a study in 2008 where called, “Students should have freedom to learn and explore as well as to develop skills in all academic and extracurricular activities”. To support developing countries, UNDP, UNESCO and UNICEF have stressed on revising the existing education simulation model and creating a new model.
Most of the developed countries have modern education system. Students are kept entertained by the use of computers and multimedia, group work, presentation, debate and painting competitions, sports, cultural activities, educational tours, etc.
According to a report published by the IMF and the World Bank, the poorest country of Tuvalu and Nairobi where government (Per capita income of US$ 40 and US$ 114, respectively), has given special importance to the development of co-curriculum. The neighboring country is India, where co-curriculum issues have been equally emphasized in Education Policy 2016. In the developed country Japan where most children study in the coaching about co-curriculum after school time. Children do not want to leave such a pleasant environment. UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education “The Dakar Framework’ clearly defined that safe, healthy, inclusive, and equitably educational environments need for all”. Japan was totally a backward country in education and science before the later part of the 18th century but following the modern education system, about 100 percent of Japanese people are now educated.
At present, child-friendly schools in Bangladesh is very few. Co-curriculum classes are not regular in most schools due to lack of skilled teachers. Modern educational materials are scarce in schools, and that’s use is limited. The teaching method is not participatory. Modern children are in no way compatible with the traditional education system. The famous writer (Thaman 2004 and Burnell & Lingam, 2007) write in the international journal “Education policies of every country should be adopted in line with the international educational culture” The main goal of the Kudrat-e-Khuda Education Commission (1974) was to enroll children in schools. In the National Education Policy of the year 2010, education is given the right of the people for all. Already the highest state allocation has been kept in the education sector. At present 28 ministries and divisions are implementing programs related to education and training. For this purpose the allocation in FY 2019-20 is Tk. 8, 76,200 million, which is 3.04 percent of GDP and 16.75 percent of total budget allocations. A total of 2 lakh 67 thousand secondary school teachers have already been provided with trainings during the last two fiscal years. The (PEDP-4) is ongoing for the expansion and quality enhancement of primary education. A project called “Digital Primary School” started from the current fiscal year 2019-20.
Along with the government, various NGOs are working to improve education. The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, UNICEF and Rupantar recently conducted a research through the (EPICA) project in Khulna and Bagerhat districts. The research shows that many positive changes have occurred in the schools where child friendly environment/child friendly spaces (CFS) are active. As such, their fears, shame, and isolation have gone. Their leadership has evolved and mutual relationships have developed.
Various laws have been enacted to standardize primary education such as: Primary Schools (Taking over) Act 1974, the Primary Education Act 1981, the Executive Order 1983 and the Compulsory Primary Education Act 1990. According to the SABER report published by the World Bank in the 2017, “the national education policy of Bangladesh recommends greater emphasis on integrating social and cultural issues”.
Government should follow some strategies. That’s like bellow:
(1) The child-friendly environment must be ensured in the school. (2) There should be a separate institute for training of co-curriculum teachers in the school. (3) The supply and use of modern educational materials should be ensured in the school. (4) The Government Monitoring System needs to be modernized and the local people have to be involved in the development of schools. (5) Only one national education policy should be accompanied by adequate research in the education system.
Bangladesh is fast approaching development. The main goal of development is the people. So education to get people involved in the development process. This is one of the main responsibilities of the government. Special steps have been taken to promote quality education in Vision 2021 and 2041, even Delta plan 2100 have been kept a comprehensive educational plan.
In 2006, the per capita income was US$ 543, which is currently increased to US$ 1909. According to the latest GDP ranking based on PPP published by the IMF, Bangladesh is now the 30th largest economies country in the world. With the development, the rate of education has increased. In 2006, the literacy rate was only 53.7 percent, which is now 72.9 percent. So, it is expected that the education system of this country will become international standard very soon.
 (The writer is development researcher: [email protected])