Challenges in modern democratic setup- An analysis


Sujayendra Das :
Challenges in modern societies are vital.

`In every phase of our life we find the influence of challenges.

It is through the mode of challenge humanity is able to achieve their desired goals in life.

Problems are galore in modern life.

But being remorseful in facing challenges will not suffice at all in our life. With courage and conviction we have to overcome all challenges in our life.

Challenges are of regular occurrence in diverse phases of our life.

Such as challenges in familial life, corporate life, academic life, professional life, creative life and finally cultural life.

The people who are involved in all the above fields manage the show by dint of courage and determination. Also in our political arena we find challenges hovering around the life of people involved in the game.

Very recently Awami League of Bangladesh under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina Wazed won a triumphant majority in the just concluded 12th parliamentary elections held on January 7.

The new Awami League government assumed charge a couple of days after the elections. But as the curtain is likely to fall in January, till date the Prime Minister is daily emphasising on his party’s challenges and the ways to counteract it.

But there are various ways and means by which we are able to counteract various types of challenges pertaining to governance. Same problems are of regular occurrence in neighbouring India.

Before delving into the details let’s throw some ideas into this title concept. The term ‘Challenge’ is referred to in common man’s parlance. That indicates a call for performing under unforeseen circumstances which might act as a pathway to the new generations. Challenge should be treated in its positive frame of mind.

The more we overcome challenges the more we are able to climb up to the success ladder. The way the PM Sheikh Hasina Wazed overcame all the relevant challenges in her latest regime is an eye-opener in the modern democratic setup.

In the same manner Narendra Modi in India is overcoming all challenges internally and internationally.

Just like her Bangladeshi counterpart, has been rated as an eye-opener to all the nook and corners of the globe.

Now it is our time to overcome democratic challenges. In order to streamline our democratic setup, we should first of all pay attention towards maintenance of proper and sound governance.

However in the subsequent paragraph let me examine some of the common ways and means by which we may be able to overcome challenges in a modern democratic setup.

Among all the ways and means to overcome challenges, some of the common ones are stated as follow:
Modern governance should be such by which we should be able to wipe out authoritarian regimes.


In the democratic setup I feel political challenges are also equally important.

Among the political challenges there are various issues involved. Such as eradication of corruption, emphasising upon transparency in various phases of our societies, thinking about welfare of the people, nabbing free availability of arms and ammunitions, prevention of various types of weapons, nabbing the usage of drugs and crimes, overcoming terrorism, undertaking serious usages of cyber-crimes, emphasising upon economic development, ensure proper utilisation of energy usages, health sector should be well developed, emphasising upon women’s emancipation, focusing upon science and technology and proper utilisation of hidden resources under the sea.

There are various types of problems hovering all around the globe.

Among all the problems, simple problems, complex problem, complicated problems and chaotic problems are the important ones. This might be prevalent around the globe.

In the sphere of having sound governance, it should be the endeavour of all democratic forces to ensure sound governance. Otherwise how are we going to ensure sound governance?

In regard to ensuring sound governance, we are already well aware of this. That governance in countries under European and American continents are always secured.

While witnessing the pattern of governance in closer and cordial South Asian nations like India and Bangladesh, we evince it as shocking and utterly dismaying.

Though both nations are on the verge of progress, the momentum is slow. Both have to proceed a long way from now onwards.

Let me trace out common problems in the modern democratic setup in India and Bangladesh. Thus in India the common problems are stated as such, lack of literacy rates, corruption, poor healthcare facilities around the nation, poverty, safety of women, unemployment, too much prevalence of child labour and massive population.

The common problems of Bangladesh are stated as such, massive population, lack of literacy rates, climate change, corruption, disjointed socio-political systems, higher education and skyrocketing prices of essential items etc.

By analysing the common problems of both nations, it is found that the problems are more or less similar in both. All are identical in nature.

The Prime Ministers of India and Bangladesh always opine that they are concerned about the common problems. On account of the problems there are challenges proliferating all around the nations.

There has been a hype that all the political and economic challenges are all seriously looked into by astute governance. But what are the instances behind it? The innocent citizens might have belief but in reality the scenarios are just the reverse.

Just like other challenges, political and economic challenges are to be looked after seriously by our astute governance in both nations. We are in the midst of witnessing sea changes around the globe.

Hence it should be our task to counteract various types of challenges, especially political and economic ones. Otherwise our macro developments will perish under the debris.

Such as in India, Dr S.Jayshankar, Ajit Doval etc various other luminaries and from Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed, Dr Atiur Rahman, Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali, Dr Gowhar Rizvi, Dr Mashiur Rahman and Dr Kamal Chowdhury are very much behind the government for proper and sound governance of both nations.

That is why it is always emphasised that counteracting challenges around the globe are always appreciable. But in the above nations it should be accorded special attention along with transparency and ethics.

The writer is Sujayendra Das
18, Jodhpur Park
Kolkata- 700068
