CHANDPUR: On behalf of Chandpur Zila Parishad authority, a total of 35 poor school students of Bir Protik Mominullah Patwary Academy and Hamankordi Polli Mangal High School in Moshadi union of Chandpur Sadar were given 35 new bi- cycles in a simple function held on Moishadi UP office premises recently. Zila Parishad’s Chief Executive Officer Md Monwar Hossain handed them over to the excited and smiling students as chief guest while Moishadi UP Chairman Md Nurul Islam Patwary presided over the function.

CHANDPUR: On behalf of Chandpur Zila Parishad authority, a total of 35 poor school students of Bir Protik Mominullah Patwary Academy and Hamankordi Polli Mangal High School in Moshadi union of Chandpur Sadar were given 35 new bi- cycles in a simple function held on Moishadi UP office premises recently. Zila Parishad's Chief Executive Officer Md Monwar Hossain handed them over to the excited and smiling students as chief guest while Moishadi UP Chairman Md Nurul Islam Patwary presided over the function.