Cuba sends 300 more doctors to fight Ebola

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Cuba says it will send nearly 300 more doctors and nurses to west Africa to help fight the Ebola epidemic.
The Cubans will work in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, Regla Angulo, head of the Cuban medical relief agency, said in a statement on Friday.
The announcement means that up to 461 Cuban medical personnel would have been sent to help address the epidemic spreading across west Africa.
Angulo said the staff were currently undergoing intense training ahead of their deployment, working in a mock field hospital of the kind they expect to find in the region. Cuba’s decision comes as health experts from 16 European countries urged their governments to massively scale up manpower and resources to fight west Africa’s Ebola epidemic, now threatening “the entire world”.
European countries should urgently send trained medical staff, field laboratories, protective clothing, disinfectants and basic tools like electricity generators, 44 public health professionals and academics wrote in The Lancet medical journal.
