Deal signed to conduct study on establishing virtual marketplace for RMG


Business Desk :
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) has signed an agreement with LightCastle Partners for conducting a feasibility study on “Establishing a Virtual Marketplace Platform for the RMG sector”.
The study will analyze the gaps in policies, market potential and readiness of the sector, and include a suitable business model and an action plan to implement operations.
Faruque Hassan, President of BGMEA said the revolution in digital technologies has led to notable changes in the business landscape, creating new trends and opportunities, especially the rapid rise in the online marketplace.
“Companies have been increasingly going online with the advancement of digital technologies and the Covid-19 accelerated the pace of digital transformation, leading to a boom in the digital and e-commerce sectors,” he said.
Adaption to the changing trade is the key to sustain and seize new opportunities, said the BGMEA chief.
Developing a virtual market platform will boost sales of the RMG sector and rebound from the effects of the pandemic.
“This study will help to identify the challenges and opportunities of the sector to establish an online marketplace.”
Zahedul Amin, Co-founder & Director, LightCastle Partners, said Bangladesh’s apparel sector must retain its competitiveness advantage by harnessing technology-driven market development, in order to leap frog ahead of its competitors.