Deception closes the door of peace!


Md. Al Amin :

Deception is not only an unethical deed but also a vile process of spoiling people’s trust.

It is also a criminal offence,which is a great obstacle to order, security, and peace. It is becoming more terrible day by day according to the recent reports of mass media.Bangladesh is beset with a number of deadly problems.

Deception is also one of them that we can’t deny.

To help someone commit any criminal offence like fraud is also one kind of offence according to the laws of Bangladesh.

Besides, deception or fraud is a vile deed and a punishable crime according to the Holy Quran and hadiths.

Italso launches the culture of distrust by spoiling people’s trust.

It can never bring mental peace. For this reason, fraudsters are mentally unhappy.

We should always remember that accursed life is a life of disrespect and sorrow.

Poverty or joblessness is also responsible for deception because many needy persons involve themselves in deception to solve their financial problems.

Besides, earning money illegally is one of the dirtiest aims of frauds. Fraudsters are becoming more desperate due to light punishment.

I firmly believe that public awareness against deception everywhere and exemplary punishment will eradicate the fraudulent activities from the human society step by step.

Some roles of the law enforcers in Bangladesh to arrest frauds are actually extraordinary and laudable.

We should always remember that deception is one of the worst deeds.We find different types of information regarding deception in mass media including social media like Facebook, X (Twitter), TikTok, and so on.

Lots of fraud gangs give fake advertisements as to part-time or online jobs using mass media and social media including WhatsApp to entrap the people of different ages and professions.

If the members of detective branches become more active against the unlawful activities like deception published on social media including mass media, it will be so tough for scattered frauds to organize themselves and cheat people.

Fraudsters are polymorphic and inconsiderate.

They are also desperate and active in different places in Ramadan, a special month of self-purification! It’s also true that frauds are unable to give their country something good because they are devoid of conscience, morality, and humanity.

It’s a matter of grave concern that the people of different professions and ages are being deceived in Bangladesh.According to the published reports of mass media.

If the published reports regarding fraud are not taken into consideration by concerned authorities, it will be one kind of injustice to victims.


As a Muslim and columnist, I cannot but detest deception or injustice.

If every person of a society hates unlawful and unethical activities like fraud, nobody will dare to commit crimes.

The teachers, doctors, advocates, students, youngsters, netizens, and government officials are not free from the terrible clutches of fraud gangs in Bangladesh in conformity with different published reports of mass media.

If concerned or relevant authorities are unable to stop the deceitful and destructive activities of terrible fraud gangs, the horrible frauds will be capable of disrupting the order, security, and peace of a human society.

Fraudsters apply different types of techniques to entrap people. They also try to lure people by offering different kinds of online jobs.

If we analyse the published reports of mass media regarding deception, it will be very easy for us to know the authentic pictures of deceitful activities in Bangladesh.

According to a recent media report, a female doctor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) was cheated by a horrible fraud gang.

The fraud gang opened several accounts in the names of kabiraj,darbesh, and imam on social media.

The CID arrested 20 members of the gang from Dhaka and Magura after the female doctor (victim) had filed a case with Khilgaon Police Station on 7 Nov. 2023.

The arrestees used to talk to different victims in guise of ‘Darbesh Baba’ or ‘Kabiraj’ or ‘Imam of Masjid Al Nabawi’.They also gave attractive and fake advertisements on social media and mass media to entrap people in the name of solving personal or secret problems.

It’s clear that frauds also use social media and mass media to entrap the people of different ages including women. In accordance with the report of The South Asian Times on 18 March 2024, detectives arrested three Bangladeshi associates of a Chinese fraud gang.

The cunning gang recruited Bangladeshi students studying in China to facilitate fraudulent activities. As a result, the three students (arrestees) opened a gambling site in consultation with the Chinese fraudsters.

The gang used to apply different techniques (honey trap, loan apps, online financing and multi-level marketing) to entrap people.

The members of the fraud gang were also capable of embezzling a huge amount of money through various online scams targeting Bangladeshis.

Then, money went to China through Cryptocurrency. The masterminds (Gaga and Chig Chog) remained in China though the arrestees operated the gambling site.

The fraud gang used to lure people by offering part-time or online jobs. 30 Indian SIM cards, used for fraudulent activities, were also confiscated from the arrestees’ possession.

As a columnist, I firmly believe that the order, security, and peace of a human society will be hampered if deception goes on in this way.

So, it’s high time to take more effective steps against deception, an obstacle to peace.

The writer is a Bangladeshi columnist having a master’s degree in English Language and Literature from Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University(JKKNIU).
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