Dengue: 1 more die, 31 new patients hospitalized


One more dengue patient died while 31 others were hospitalized in 24 hours till Thursday morning, health authorities said.
Bangladesh reported of 60 new hospitalization with Dengue fever on Wednesday.
With the latest death, the number of fatalities from the mosquito-borne disease rose to 101 during the period, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).
Ninety-two people died in Dhaka division alone, three in Mymensingh division, two each in Chattogram, and Khulna divisions and one each in Rajshahi and Barishal divisions.
Twenty-one new patients are undergoing treatment at hospitals in Dhaka while the remaining 10 cases have been reported from outside the division.
Some 213patients diagnosed with dengue are receiving treatment in the country as of Thursday.
Of them, 145 patients are receiving treatment at different hospitals in the capital
while the remaining 68 were listed outside Dhaka.
Since January, some 27,870 patients have been admitted to different hospitals with dengue in the country. So far, 27,556 dengue patients have left hospitals after recovery, said DGHS.
What experts say
Experts attribute the unusually high dengue cases during the dry season, mainly in Dhaka, to the prolonged rainy season, sporadic rainfall, and high humidity and temperature, Aedes mosquitoes’ reproductive and behavioural changes caused by climate change and lack of people’s awareness and poor controlling measures by the two city corporations of the capital.
They also said the climate conditions of Bangladesh are becoming more favourable for the Aedes mosquitos to prevail in all seasons with high or low intensity mainly for the increase in temperature and breeding sources.