Protection of bio-diversity, reduction of crimes: Drones will be used, barbwire fences, watch tower to be set in Sundarbans

Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna :
In order to protect bio-diversity and reduce crimes, drones will be used , barbwire fences and watch tower will be set in the Sundarbans, according to the sources of Forest Department .
Recently, Deputy Minister of Forest and Environment Habibun Nahar said that all kinds of security measures would be taken for protecting the Sundarbans. Besides, ponds will also be excavated at every Chars in the Sundarbans, she added.
Sources of Forest Department further said, several crimes are being committed in the Sundarbans since long. With a view to reduce crimes, drones, barbwire fences and watch tower would be set in the Sundarbans. The concerned activists will be trained for using drones, sources added.
 Advisor of the Sundarbans Academy of Khulna Rafiqul Islam said, modern technology need be set in the Siundarbans. He said adding that it would be possible to observe things which are being committed inside the Sundarbans with the drones.
Modinul Ahsan, Khulna Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) of the Division of Wildlife management and nature preservation said, we have submitted a new project to the concerned authorities of the government so that the tigers of the Sundarbans will not be able to enter into the local areas where human being are residing.
In the last year, fire was broke out in Chandpai Range of the Sundarbns and large portion of woods were burnt.
 At that time, the then Forest and Environment Minister Anwar Hossain Monju and the then Chief Conservator of Forest Md Yunus Ali visited the spot and directed to implement the projects of setting up watch tower and barbwire-fences but the project is not approved yet.
At the same time, 35 canals and beels would be excavated with to protect the bio-diversity. In the last year within March 27 to April 27, miscreants set fire in the deep forest of the Sundarbans .
Besides, on March 22, 2002, fire broke out which continued till 15 days at Kotka sanctuary of the East Sundarbans.
Sources said, 23 beels are at Chandpai range and the other 12 beels are at Sharonkhola Range of the Sundarbans.
Sources further said, in the last year some miscreants set fire four times in the deep forest of the east Sundarbans. As such the watch towers and barbwire fences need be set up urgently.
Experts think, in order to save the bio-diversity of the Sundarbans and protect it from the forest robbers, it is essential to set watch towers and barbwire fences as early as file. The Sundarbans, the world heritage site and also the largest mangrove forest in the world should protect by any means, according to the analysts.
On condition of anonymity, an analyst said, if the officials and staffs of the forest division become cordial to start the works of setting up the watch towers and barbwire fences in the Sundarbans, then it is possible to implement the projects within short time and in this way the bio-diversity of the Sundarbans would be protected and it would also be protect the forest robbers. It is mentionable that since long Deer are facing great threat in the Sundarbans as deer poachers and smugglers are still active in the Sundarbans, the largest heritage site in the world. Wildlife particularly deer face great threat for poaching by the poachers. Despite several drives by the members of different law enforcing agencies, the poachers are entering into the Sundarbans taking several techniques, hunting deer and smuggling venison, skins and heads of deer.
Sometimes, the deer poachers are arrested by the law enforcers including the members of the forest division. In the last one and a half years, more than 50 deer poachers were arrested by the members of Coastguard and police during different drives while more than 500 Kgs of venison, 8 trawlers and a huge number of traps were seized.
According to the animal census in 1995 by FAO and UNDP, the numbers of deer in the Sundarbans were 1,20, 000 ( One lakh twenty Thousand).
According to another survey under the project of Integrated Resource Management in 1996-97, the numbers of deer were one lakh to one and a half lakh. In 2001, the numbers were the same.
Sources of London based Wildlife Trust of Bangladesh & Zoological Society said, more than ten thousand deer were killed by the poachers every year in the Sundarbans.
Sources said, the poachers technically enter into the Sundarbans after taking passes of Crab collection, but thereafter they start hunting deer setting traps in the deep forest. After hunting deer, the skins, meat and heads are smuggled at different parts of the country.
Sources further said, on January 7, 2019, forest guards recovered 30 kgs of venison and a trawler left by the poachers from Chila area in Poshur river of East Sundarbans while poachers managed to escape from the spot. On January 3, 2019,Charkhali patrol outpost in Swarankhola Range’s forest guards seized 1400 feet trap for hunting deer after conducting drive at Charkhali area. On December 9, 2018, from the same area, 20 kgs of venison and a trawler were seized and on December 8, 2018, 10 kgs meat and a trawler were seized from Sindurbaria area by Shapla patrol outpost guards.  
In the last year some miscreants set fire four times in the deep forest of the east Sundarbans. As such the watch towers and barbwire fences need be set urgently.
Experts think, in order to save the bio-diversity of the Sundarbans and protect it from the forest robbers, it is essential to set watch towers and barbwire fences as early as file.
The Sundarbans, the world heritage site and also the largest mangrove forest in the world should protect by any means, according to the analysts.
On condition of anonymity, an analyst said, if the officials and staffs of the forest division become cordial to start the works of setting up the watch towers and barbwire fences in the Sundarbans, then it is possible to implement the projects within short time and in this way the bio-diversity of the Sundarbans would be protected and it would also be protect the poachers.