FitsAir launches its operation


Business Report :
Sri Lanka’s first ever private airline company FitsAir is going to start Dhaka-Colombo direct flights this April.

The budget airline aims to provide best services to the passengers at a low cost and will initiate flights from 17 April 2024.

On occasion of the inaugural flight operation Bengal Airlift Limited the General Service Agent (GSA) for FitsAir arranged an programme for the stakeholders and business partner at a hotel in the capital on Tuesday.


Bengal Airlift Limited has been appointed as the GSA of FitsAir for Bangladesh, said a press release.

High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Dhak Dharmapala Weerakkody was present as the chief guest in the event and focused on the relationship between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Arif Rahman, Managing Director, Shumaiz Iqbal, COO (Airlines Division), Munirul Islam, General Manager and other officials were present from Bengal Airlift Limited (GSA of FitsAir).