Govt has to resign: BNP BNP leaders should resign: AL


Staff Reporter :
Both the ruling Awami League (AL) and the opposition BNP are locked horns over the use of electronic voting machine (EVM) and election time neutral government.
The top-notch AL leaders are demanding the resignation of BNP’s top to bottom leaders including its secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, while BNP is demanding the resignation of the government before holding the upcoming general election.
 Country’s people think that top-to-bottom leaders of the BNP, including its Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, should resign from the party because of their failures, said AL General Secretary Obaidul Quader during the inaugural session of Faridpur district Awami League’s triennial
council, joining virtually from his official residence in Dhaka on Thursday.
Comparing the present Bangladesh with the last 13 years, the AL general secretary said that the nation has achieved remarkable progress because of Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina’s leadership cherishma.
Quader further said that BNP does not see the country’s development and achievements, but darkness of night at day time.
“We don’t understand EVM-TVM, we believe just one thing and that is—the government has to resign first. The power should be given to a neutral government and a new election commission will hold the polls under that neutral government. No election before that,” BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said while inaugurating a bicycle rally at Lalmonirhat Shaheed Suhrawardy ground on Thursday.
All the jailed and detained leaders and activists including BNP chief Khaleda Zia must be released, Fakhrul said adding that all cases must be withdrawn.
“There will be the election only after meeting our demands. Let’s forget all splits and form national unity. We shall only be able to oust this undemocratic forces from power after building the nationalist force through unity,” Fakhrul urged.
It is needed to bring back the dream and spirit of independence that the Awami League has destroyed, the BNP Secretary General said adding that they will win the battle to bring back the country’s democracy.