Govt should help reduce people’s debt-induced stress


The plight of the middle class and low-income citizens amidst the nation’s pursuit of development is a stark reality that often goes unnoticed. As grand projects are fueled by raised taxes and VAT, the financial strain on these segments of society intensifies.

Experts warn of a grim future, where the relentless inflation and rising costs of development leave the middle class grappling with debt burdens that seem insurmountable. The repercussions are devastating, leading to mental anguish, despair, and tragically, even suicide.

Recent incidents, such as the heartbreaking stories of Jewel Molla, Mohammad Arif Hossain, and Hiramoni and Masod Rana, serve as painful reminders of the human cost of economic development. These are not isolated cases but rather symptoms of a larger crisis that is silently engulfing our communities.

According to a report of this newspaper, a significant portion of Bangladeshi families rely on loans for basic necessities, with rural populations bearing the brunt of this development burden. The situation is exacerbated by the declining purchasing power, pushing many into extreme poverty.


Dr. Tawohidul Haque, an expert from the University of Dhaka, attributes this crisis to the widening gap between income and expenses. He emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive approach, urging the government to dismantle dishonest business syndicates and strengthen its commitment to welfare initiatives.

Dr. Saima Haque Bidisha proposes a multifaceted solution, advocating for an expanded social safety net and widespread availability of subsidized essential goods. She highlighted the importance of monitoring policies to alleviate the suffering of the vulnerable.

Furthermore, there is a pressing need for effective support systems to address the mental health consequences of debt-induced stress. Experts underscore the importance of holistic interventions that prioritize mental well-being alongside economic stability.

As a nation, we cannot turn a blind eye to the silent suffering of our fellow citizens. It is imperative that we come together to address the root causes of this crisis and implement meaningful solutions that provide hope and relief to those who are struggling.
