Hanging body of 3rd grader recovered in Chandpur

Chandpur Correspondent :
Kochua Thana police recovered the body of a small boy (3rd grader) hanging from a tree in a tree-garden at Daulatpur village under Koroiya union in Kochua Upazila on Sunday.
The deceased boy was identified as Siyam Hossain, 9, son of Monir Hossain of the village and a 3rd grader at Nolua Shishu Sadan Government Primary School.
On getting information, Kochua Thana Police recovered the hanging body from the spot and sending the body to Chandpur General Hospital morgue for post mortem.
Contacted, Kochua Thana OC Oliullah Oli, quoting the victim’s mother Pakhi Begum and aunt Noorjahan Begum , has told this correspondent that like other days, Siyam went out of house to play with his playmates near his home. But later at dusk, while going to Nolua Bazar of the Upazila, an old man named Hanif Mia saw the body of Siyam hanging from a tree in a tree garden beside a road.
Pakhi Begum and Noorjahan Begum have alleged that ‘due to a past enmity, the small boy was killed in a pre-planned way and then hanged it from the tree’.
OC has said, a UD case was filed with Thana in this connection. Police is investigating the matter. He added, the post mortem report would reveal how Siyam was killed.