Elections, human rights prime agenda: High level US delegation due in Dhaka early July


Staff Reporter  :
A high-level delegation led by an Under Secretary of State for Human Rights from the United States is scheduled to visit Dhaka in the upcoming month of July.
Regarding the visit, the Foreign Ministry sources said that there are various engagements between Dhaka and Washington, and the delegation is coming to discuss those matters.
The visit is going to take place at a time when the US government had recently slapped visa restrictions on every individual of Bangladesh who will try to undermine the holding of a free and fair parliamentary election.

Sources said that during the visit the delegation will have discussions on the human rights situation and other related issues including the upcoming general elections.
The delegation might also have meetings with the major political parties, including Awami League and BNP, as well as representatives of the civil society to get ideas about how the elections will be held and the state of human rights situation in Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, a diplomatic source told the news agency UNB that Uzra Zeya, the US Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, is expected to visit Bangladesh in the coming month to engage in discussions on topics of shared concern.
Nothing has been finalised yet, and there is no official announcement from either side regarding the visit.
In her role, Uzra Zeya spearheads international diplomatic initiatives aimed at


bolstering democratic processes, promoting universal human rights, providing aid to refugees and those in need of humanitarian assistance, upholding the rule of law, fostering cooperation in countering narcotics, combating corruption and intolerance, preventing armed conflicts, and combating human trafficking.
In the recent past, Dhaka has hosted a series of visits from Washington, indicating the growing engagement between the two countries. Notably, in March 19-23, 2022, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, paid a visit to Bangladesh.

Another significant visit took place earlier this year when Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, Donald Lu, traveled to Bangladesh. Lu has played a pivotal role in shaping the United States’ policy towards Bangladesh in recent times.
Following the official announcement of the new visa policy by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on May 25, Lu emerged as the public representative of the decision.
He actively engaged with the Bangladeshi media, elucidating the implementation process of the policy.
This underscores the importance attached to fostering transparent communication and understanding between the two nations.
