Jailed Fakhrul invited to join DMP anniv celebrations


Staff Reporter :
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has invited to the main opposition party-BNP leaders including its jailed Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir to participate in the celebrations marking its (DMP) 49th founding anniversary at Rajarbagh Police Lines in the capital on February 1.

The invitation also includes BNP Vice-Chairman Dr. AZM Zahid Hossain, and Legal Affairs Secretary Barrister Kaiser Kamal.
DMP Additional Commissioner (Administration) AKM Hafiz Akhtar told the journalists on Monday. BNP Assistant Office Secretary Taiful Islam Tipu has received the letter.

The invitation comes amid a backdrop of recent events, including clashes between police and the BNP leaders and activists during the party’s general meeting in Nayapaltan last October.


Following these incidents, Mirza Fakhrul was held from his residence in Gulshan on October 29 by the Intelligence Department (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.

When he was presented in court for his alleged involvement in the attack and vandalism the Chief Justice’s residence, his bail application was rejected, leading to his imprisonment. Mirza Fakhrul has remained imprisoned since his arrest.