Jan 7 polls Three-day ban on motorcycle movements


Staff Reporter :
The government has issued a circular imposing a three-day countrywide ban on motorcycles to help maintain law and order during the January 7 polls.

Signed by Md Mostafizur Rahman, senior secretary of public security division of the home ministry, the circular stated that motorcycles would not be allowed on the roads from January 5 midnight to January 8 midnight. The ban, however, is not applicable on national highways.

In the interest of maintaining law and order during the polls, restrictions on motorcycles as well as some other types of vehicles have been
strictly enforced.


The circular also stated that a ban will be imposed on the movement of taxicabs, microbuses, pickups, trucks, launches, and engine-driven boats (except those plying on specific routes) in the voting areas from January 6 midnight to January 7 midnight.

However, this directive shall not apply to candidates, law enforcement agencies, administration, authorised observers, and election agents.
This will also not be applicable on the national highways.