Casino crackdown: Khaled remanded again for 10 days, Lokman on 2-day

Jubo League Dhaka South Organising Secretary Khaled Mahmud Bhuiyan (left) and Mohammedan Sporting Club director M Lokman Hossain Bhuiyan (right) being taken to Dhaka court by the police on Friday. Khaled placed on 10-day remand again and Lokman on 2-day.
Jubo League Dhaka South Organising Secretary Khaled Mahmud Bhuiyan (left) and Mohammedan Sporting Club director M Lokman Hossain Bhuiyan (right) being taken to Dhaka court by the police on Friday. Khaled placed on 10-day remand again and Lokman on 2-day.
Staff Reporter :
A Dhaka court on Friday placed Jubo League Dhaka South Organising Secretary Khaled Mahmud Bhuiyan on a fresh remand for 10 days in two cases for running a casino in Fakirerpool.
Another Dhaka court put Mohammedan Sporting Club director in-charge M Lokman Hossain Bhuiyan on a two-day remand in connection with a case filed under Narcotics Act with Tejgaon Police Station.
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Didar Hossain granted 10 days remand for Khaled when Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) of RAB-3 Md Belayet Hossain produced him with a 20-day remand prayer in the cases.
The cases were filed under Firearms Act and Narcotics Control Act on completion of his seven-day remand.
Earlier on September 19, the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Mahmuda Akhter granted a four-day remand for Khaled in one of the cases, while the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Shahinur Rahman put him on a three-day remand in another case filed under Narcotics Control Act.
Khaled, President of Fakirerpool Youngmen’s Football Club, was arrested on September 18 from his Gulshan residence, in the wake of the crackdown at a casino in the football club.
Khaled’s arrest came after a RAB mobile court detained and sentenced 142 people raiding the “casino” in Fakirerpool Youngmen’s Football Club and seized some apparently blackjack tables, slot machines, Tk 24.29 lakh in cash, Yaba pills and some bottles of liquor.
Meanwhile, Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md Sarafuzzaman Ansari sent M Lokman Hossain on two days remand after police produced him before the court with a five-day remand prayer in a drugs case.
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested Lokman Hossain, also a Director of Bangladesh Cricket Board from his Monipuripara residence on Wednesday night with four bottles of liquor.
Mohammedan Sporting Club Director in-charge M Lokman Hossain Bhuiyan is being taken to the office of RAB-2 after he was arrested from his house in Tejgaon of Dhaka on September 25.
Since RAB started an “anti-gambling operation” on September 18, Lokman was on hiding in different places including Narayanganj.
During primary interrogation, Lokman admitted of amassing huge sums of money and deposited around Tk 41 crore in two banks in Australia, according to the RAB.
RAB filed the case against Lokman under the Narcotics Control Act with Tejgaon Police Station on Thursday.
