Local AL leaders want Feroze Majumder as UZ Chairaman


Feni Correspondent :
In an extended meeting of the Porshuram Upazila Awami League, Trinamool leaders demanded that Kamal Majumdar should withdraw from the upazila election.
Held at the party office on Thursday afternoon, the speakers at the extended meeting were attended by the president and secretary of the upazila Awami League, Sramik League, Jubo League, Chhatra League.
In his speech, Feroze Majumder claimed him as a party-backed candidate and announced to work on his behalf to ensure his victory. At the time, the speakers demanded that Kamal Majumdar, the upazila parishad chairman candidate, should withdraw from the election by supporting AL-backed chairman candidate Feroze Majumdar.
At that time, Kamal as upazala Chairman, in his speech highlighted his long political life including being a three-time Upazila Chairman.
In the extended meeting, all the speakers highlighted the various contributions of Feroz Majumder’s long 50 years of political contribution and said that Kamal Majumder should have withdrawn from the election in favour of a selfless, veteran leader and brave freedom fighter candidate like Feroz Majumder.
At the time, the speakers also brought up many incidents of suffering in various ways during the regime of Kamal Chairman and many people got emotional.
Earlier, under the leadership of Municipal Mayor Nizam Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury Sajel, about ten thousand activists and supporters marched through the upazila in support of Feroz Mazumder.
