News in Brief


Child killed in road mishap

Bagerhat Correspondent

A 6 years old child met his tragic end when he was crushed under the wheels of an easy-bike at Purbo Khada-Charghata under Sharankhola Upazila in Bagerhat district recently. The deceased was identified as Sakib, son of one Sujan Hawladar of the village (Purbo Khada). It is learnt from Nabi Hawladar, paternal uncle of the deceased that in the morning (at about 11 am) the ill-fated child was going to a nearby shop from his residence to purchase something and when he tried to cross the road the speeding killer easy-bike that was going to Sharankhola knocked down the child violently. As a result, the child was fatally injured. He was immediately rushed to Sharankhola Upazila Health Complex where the physician on duty declared him dead. On the other hand, after the accident the driver of the easy-bike fled away leaving his easy bike on the road. Ikram Hossain, Officer-in-charge of Sharankhola PS told, police seized the killer easy-bike. The Officer added, if any complaint is lodged with the PS by the members of the affected family legal action will be taken.

Python recovered in Sharankhola

A 6 feet long python of Sundarbans was recovered from a paddy field of Dakkhin Tafalbari village under Sharankhola Upazila in Bagerhat district on Saturday by the members of the Wild Team (works with the wild animals of Sundarbans), Later it was released in Sundarbans. Alam Hawladar, Field Officer of the Wild Team disclosed to the newsmen, on information we recovered the python from a paddy field belonging to one Aslam Akon of the village (Tafalbari) and it was later, released in Sundarbans. It is guessed that the python after crossing the river Bhola that separates Sundarbans from the human habitations in search of food. Alam Hawladar added, on May 02 at noon anotgher python which was 10 feet in length was recovered from the village Sonailtala under the same Upazila. Both the pythons were released in Sundarbans under Sharankhola Forest Range in the Eastern Division of Sundarbans (in Bagerhat district).

Drug dealer arrested in Gafargaon


Gafargaon Correspondent

Police arrested a drug dealer with 5 grams of heroin and 20 pieces of yaba in Gafargaon. Gafargaon Police Station OC (Investigation) Anwar Hossain confirmed this on Monday afternoon. The arrested was Shaheen,20, son of Kajal of Raghaichati village in municipal area. According to police sources, Shaheen was arrested in a raid in Sholahasia village of the municipal town on Sunday night on the basis of secret information. At that time 5 grams of heroin and 20 pieces of yaba were seized from him. Gafargaon Police Station OC Faruq Ahmed said Shaheen had been sent to jail through a Mymensingh court under the Narcotics Act.

Tagore’s birth anniv observed

Bhangura (Pabna) Correspondent

On the occasion of the 161st birth anniversary of world poet Rabindranath Tagore, a colorful concert was organized at Bhangura Upazila Officers Club in Pabna on Monday night. UNO Officer Md. Nahid Hasan Khan presided over the function. Advocate Abdul Jabbar, Nirmal Kumar Roy, Abdul Hye Manju, Uday Kumar Dev, Malay Kumar Dev, Ahidul Islam Babu, Tumpa Roy and others performed Rabindra Sangeet on the ceremony. They are all artist of Bhangura Upazila Shilpakala Academy. The lyric design of the program was prepared and conducted by Professor Mahbub-ul-Alam. Earlier, students of Saratnagar Govt. Primary School Apurba, Arpana and Asefa performed Rabindra dance. Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Bipasha Hossain and child artist Asefa recited poems by Rabindranath.