Social Media

Youths Must Aware About Its Effect

Mubin Hasan Khan Ayon :
Now we’re living in an age of 21st Century. It can be called the century of the Science and Technology. All of us are surrounded by the new and new invention of the scientific calculation. Science makes our life easy and also be connected with all. Our connection today is too strong with the people so that we can be found out easily by the social media. Its two sides, one is good and another can be bad for the society and the young generation.
A viral topic in our country has been known to all of us by the social media was the murder news of Rifat killed by Noyon Bond. It became viral overnight on the facebook. We all have seen a video footage where Noyon and his accomplices were chopping Rifat with sharp weapons. People all over the country viewed it and started wanting justice for it. At one stage, it came to the view of our Prime Minister and she had ordered to take him under arrest. Then Noyon Bond has been killed in the gunfight with the police. It was a sign of the positive issue in the context of Bangladesh for the social media. The young generation had been taking step for justice on facebook which is a good sign. Social media is making young generation more and more conscious on their daily life.
On the other hand the social media has an opposite side. It’s negativity is now at a high level. The young generations are passing a needless time on facebook. They are also driven in many negative sides. Like — they are unnecessarily showing interest in opposite gender, falling in virtual love, getting cheated in various ways, kneading from studies, stop reading good books and also kneading from the religious perspectives. Spending too much time on social media and stopping from earning knowledge are making them frustrated also. Because of it they can’t concentrate on serious issues of their daily life properly. It is being affected to our society. If the young generation becomes the burden of society, our society will be drowned sooner.
So, all of us will have to remain conscious and made it sure that we should use social media for the better perspective not for a single bad option.
(Mubin Hasan Khan Ayon, Student: Z.H. Shikder University of Science and Technology, Dhaka)