Night vigil to prevent cattle lifting

Villagers watch at night by setting up checkpoints on the road.

Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :

Due to the increase in cattle lifting in Ishwardi, the villagers have organized night vigil in groups. Check posts have been installed on paved roads in village areas. After 12 o’clock in the night, suspicious vehicles moving on these roads are being stopped and searched. The first check post and guard team were formed on Sultanpur Rural Road of Dashuria Union of Upazila on January 17. Later night vigil has been started in many other nearby villages including Boyra, Khalishpur, Garahusia, Dargabazar, Parashidhai, Hatigara.
Locals say that thieving cattle has increased at an alarming rate in various villages of Ishwardi. Apart from this, the theft of motorcycles, vans and auto-bikes is also happening. The violence of thieves cannot be stopped due to the increasing number of thefts from houses and shops by cutting the locks of gates. So the villagers are forced to keep watch at night.
Ashraful Alam Chetan, a farmer of Boyra village in Dashuria, said, “Two cows were stolen from my cow shed around 3 pm on January 14. The price of cow is about 2 lakh rupees. A day before on the night of January 13, a group of organized thieves cut the lock of Abdul Baten Bipul’s cattle shed and stole a cow. Pickups are used for theft and thieves come in white colored microbuses.
Nabi Fakir of Sultanpur village said, “With the full cooperation of the UP Chairman of Dashuria and the OC of the police station, we are keeping watch at night to prevent theft.” The guard team members carry sticks, flashlights and whistles. When someone seems suspicious, we whistle together. Hearing the whistle, other members of the guard came. Apart from this, checkposts are also being searched.
We villagers are guarding with joy. Now the nuisance of thieves has reduced due to the night watch. The police patrol team comes to our area almost every night and takes information.
A group of organized thieves stole two bulls, a cow of Shaheed Mandal and gold ornaments and cash from the house of Saiful of Mazdia West Khan Para in Majdia Ilshamari village of Sara Union on the night of January 10.
Azahar Ali, a farmer of Parashidhai village near Sultanpur, said, “On January 13, three cows were stolen from the cowshed by a group of thieves.” Sensing the presence of thieves, try to stop them. But as they had sharp weapons (ram da, chapati, knife) we could not stop them even after chasing them.’
Bakul Sardar, chairman of Dashuria Union, said, “I spoke to the police after several other incidents of theft including cow theft in the area. Taking everyone’s opinion, I have suggested setting up village guards and checkposts to prevent theft.
Rafiqul Islam, OC of Ishwardi police station, said, “In case of cow theft, the villagers themselves have arranged night watch. We are supporting them. Hopefully, cow theft and other theft cases will decrease.