Opportunities will be created to use electricity generated from renewable sources


AB Siddique :

At present, construction of 9 solar powered power generation plants with a combined generating capacity of 450 MW is underway. Apart from this, a wind powered power generation project is also underway, from which 60 MW of electricity will be generated.

Apart from this, agreements are being made to set up 12 solar powered power generation plants with a total production capacity of 500 MW. Several other wind and biomass power generation plants are also in the works, with a combined generation capacity of 130 MW.

About 2,000 MW of power generation from renewable sources is in the pipeline and the government has committed to fund the private sector for this.
The government may seek international funding at the COP26 conference for the remaining 2,100 MW under the updated NDC.

The biggest problem for Bangladesh is overcapacity. Bangladesh has to bear a significant cost of unused power generation capacity. Unutilized capacity is 48 percent.

Government should pay special attention to flow and distribution and phase out coal based and quick rental power plants. If this initiative is taken, there will be opportunity to use electricity generated from renewable sources.

Bangladesh has a long history of renewable energy, which began in 1957 with the construction of the country’s first hydroelectric power station on the Karnaphuli River at Kaptai in Chittagong.

In October 1988, the fourth and fifth units of 50 MW Kaplan type turbines were installed at the plant to increase the total power generation to 230 MW.

In the mid-eighties, private enterprises played an instrumental role in setting up the first solar home system in Sylhet. Later the Solar Home System (SHS) program was greatly expanded by Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL).

Since SHS was launched in 1996, it is currently the largest renewable energy program in Bangladesh. Around 6 million solar home systems have been installed so far and the number is increasing due to the integrated program undertaken by the government through financial institution Edcall.

Financing activities have been expanded through government financial institutions such as: Bangladesh Bank, IDCOLL and private commercial banks. Moreover, the government has provided duty-free incentives on certain renewable energy products such as solar panels, solar panel components, charge controllers, inverters, LED lights, solar lamps and wind power plants.

Encouraged by the success of solar home systems, the government has initiated several programs such as: solar irrigation, solar mini/micro grids, solar parks, solar rooftops, solar boating, etc. One of the goals of renewable energy is to provide electricity to rural areas and thereby reduce dependence on diesel Reduce carbon emissions and government subsidies.

The good thing is, Bangladesh has already used solar energy on a small scale, although not widely, known as ‘solar plants’. The success in using solar plants has also been widespread. Solar plants have become very popular in remote areas, hills or pastures.

Solar plants have gained immense popularity in India as well. India has the largest number of solar plants in the world. India has been able to generate about 648 MW of electricity.


China, on the other hand, has shut down hundreds of coal-fired power plants and switched to wind power and many solar power plants. Currently, the largest solar plant in the world is located in Morocco. They have managed to install huge solar plants in the heart of the desert.

We can also use other sources of energy like solar plants if we want. We can prioritize airflow over electricity. Some of the developed countries of the world have also continued to produce wind power using wind currents. For example, Australia, Saudi Arabia and India have established wind power plants.

Apart from this, many developed and developing countries around the world have adopted this policy and it is gaining popularity. As the world’s natural gas and coal reserves run out, countries may become dependent on wind power. As a result, the people of the world will be freed from environmental pollution and will be able to reduce carbon emissions through renewable energy.

Bangladesh also has a potential side in terms of wind power generation. In particular, the length of the coastal area of Bangladesh is about 724 km, where there is constant wind current. According to experts, Bangladesh can produce more than 2000 megawatts of electricity if this flow is utilized. The important places in Bangladesh are Hatia, Sandwip, Maheshkhali and Katubdia.

Apart from this, wind turbines can be set up on Padma-Meghna-Jumna Rivers. In that case, the movement of air flow should be monitored first. At least three months of wind speed should be reviewed to decide whether turbine installation is suitable.

The government has expressed a lot of interest in wind power generation. It has already been decided to set up 150 MW wind power plants in Cox’s Bazar, Inani and Chandpur’s Kachua.

Renewable energy can be harnessed not only from wind, but also from ocean waves, ocean heat and tidal energy. Bangladesh has already harnessed the flow of water (Kaptai hydropower). Biogas is also used. It is also quite popular in Bangladesh. There is also a huge demand for this gas in rural areas.

Used for cooking and lighting lamps. In this way, waste can be recycled to produce renewable energy. But care should be taken so that methane gas is not produced, then the opposite will happen again.

Another source of energy is from biofuels. It is discouraged by environmentalists for various reasons. The main reason for this is that biofuels are taking away the food from the mouths of people in poor countries. We feel that a little explanation is needed to talk about biofuels.

The general public does not have much idea about biofuels. Biofuel is a type of environmentally friendly fuel. Environmentalists once recommended the expansion of biofuels, considering the harmful side of climate change.

Biofuel is a new type of fuel made from the combination of ethanol and diesel, the ingredients of which are rice, pulses, wheat, corn and oilseeds. It is currently used only in the developed world. On the other hand they are followed by Indonesia and Malaysia.

They are producing biofuel from the large amount of palm seeds produced in their country. Since we don’t have that capacity, in that case we have to prioritize wind power and solar plants, which will reduce the pressure on fuel oil and also reduce the level of load shedding. Apart from saving money, the environment will also be pollution free.

( The writer is a Journalist.)
