Petrol price jumps Rs 1.59/ltr, diesel Rs 1.31/ltr after Saudi attacks

PTI, New Delhi :
Petrol prices have soared by Rs 1.59 a litre and diesel by Rs 1.31 in the last six days – the most since daily price revision was introduced in 2017, as a massive strike at Saudi Arabian oil facilities jolted oil markets.
Petrol price was on Sunday hiked by 27 paise to Rs 73.62 a litre in the Delhi
market – the benchmark for national rates, according to a price notification
by state-owned oil firms.
Price of diesel was increased by 18 paise to Rs 66.74 per litre in Delhi.
This is the sixth straight daily increase and has taken the cumulative price hike since September 17 to Rs 1.59 per litre in case of petrol and Rs 1.31 for diesel.
Global oil prices shot up the most since the Gulf war in the immediate aftermath of the unprecedented drone missile strikes on key oil facilities in Saudi Arabia that disabled 5 per cent of the global supply.
Oil prices have cooled since the spike on September 16 but remain on the edge.