Poster of Mondera, Razz starrer movie ‘Kajol Rekha’ revealed


Entertainment Report :
Gias Uddin Selim directed highly anticipated movie titled ‘Kajol Rekha’ has revealed its poster
that evokes a sense of longing and sadness.

The first look brings the characters up close, capturing emotions in a single picture.

In the poster, actor Sariful Razz essaying the role of a King while Mondera Chakroborty will be playing the role of his wife Kajol Rekha.

The movie is based on a 400-year-old folk tale and the makers are hopeful that its unique storytelling will surely attract the audience.


In the first-look poster, viewers can feel the longing in Sariful Razz’s eyes while Mondera is seen crying beside him.

A solemn and regretful atmosphere imbues it creating a strangely captivating allure.

The makers of the movie want to release the movie in February.