Quader compares Israeli PM Netanyahu to Hitler


Staff Reporter :
In a startling comparison, Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader has likened Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to dictator Adolf Hitler, asserting that Netanyahu poses a greater threat to humanity than the notorious Nazi leader.

During a press briefing held yesterday (April 16) in the capital city, Quader, who also serves as the General Secretary of Bangladesh’s ruling Awami League, made the controversial statement, igniting a firestorm of debate.

Quader drew parallels between Netanyahu’s actions and Hitler’s atrocities during World War II, emphasizing the devastation caused by the Nazi regime’s genocide of European Jews, which resulted in the deliberate killing of an estimated 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war.

“The entire world has become a battlefield today. The brash, warlike attitude that Hitler had during WWII seems to be emerging again.

Today, Netanyahu, responsible for the genocide in Gaza, has emerged in the same form as Hitler, who killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust,” Quader asserted, delivering a scathing indictment of the Israeli leader.


He further criticised Netanyahu for disregarding international resolutions and acting independently of the United Nations and the White House, highlighting the Israeli Prime Minister’s alleged role in the deaths of thousands of children in Gaza.

Quader’s condemnation extended to Netanyahu’s recent decision to attack Iran following an Iranian drone strike on Israel.

Despite calls for restraint from influential nations, including the United States, Quader accused Netanyahu of acting unilaterally and with impunity, asserting that he operates as if he were the most powerful individual in the world.

The AL leader’s remarks also touched upon the ongoing Upazila Parishad elections in Bangladesh, where he noted the participation of many members of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), despite the party’s public opposition to the elections.

“In such a big election, it’s not that there won’t be any incidents, but it’s not that nothing happened. However, we are working to control it administratively,” Quader remarked in response to concerns about incidents such as the recent abduction of a candidate during the elections.