Railways DG summoned to Info Commission


Staff Reporter :
The Information Commission has summoned the Director General (DG) of Bangladesh Railways for not providing information after applying under the Right to Information Act.

The Information Commission gave this instruction after hearing the complaint of journalist Rashidul Hasan in Agargaon of the capital on Monday.

Apart from that DG, Deputy Director of Railways TC Ansar and Director TC Nahid Ahsan Khan has been ordered to appear on March 6.

At the same time, Chief Information Commissioner Dr. Abdul Malek, Information Commissioner Shahidul Alam Jhinuk and Information Commissioner Masuda Bhatti were present.

The plaintiff Rashidul Hasan told the court that he applied for information regarding the lease of Bangladesh Railway trains on August 22 last year.


After not getting the information, he appealed to the Director General of Railways on October 17 but did not get the information.

Then on November 14, he filed a complaint with the Information Commission.

After raising the complaint, Information Commissioner Shahidul Alam Jhinook asked Railway Information Officer and Transport Commercial Director Nahid Ahsan to find out whether the information requested by the plaintiff can be provided.

He admits that the information is provable and apologizes for not providing the information even after 6 months.

As the information was not given even after the appeal, the Commission Appeal Officer implicated Kamrul Ahsan, Director General of Railways in this complaint.
