Readers’ Voice


Smart agri plan can better combat climate change

Despite significant gains in reducing the human toll from climate disasters, Bangladesh continues to face severe and increasing climate risks.

Without urgent action, including further adaptation and resilience measures, the country’s strong growth potential could be at risk.

A recent World Bank report outlined that priority actions and financing needs can help Bangladesh address the climate crisis.

It recognizes Bangladesh’s successful experience with locally-led climate adaptation and recommends investments in infrastructure and services to strengthen climate resilience while supporting long-term growth.

Actions focused on improved agriculture productivity, energy, and transport efficiency can lower future emissions while improving air, soil, and water quality.

It is estimated that Bangladesh could raise up to $12.5 billion in additional financing in the medium term for climate action.


Climate change will hit poor and vulnerable people the hardest. Average tropical cyclones cost Bangladesh about $1 billion annually. By 2050, a third of agricultural GDP could be lost and 13 million people could become internal climate migrants.

In case of severe flooding, GDP could fall by as much as 9 percent. Bangladesh has led the way in adaptation and disaster risk management. Over the past 50 years, it has reduced cyclone-related deaths 100-fold. But with ever-increasing climate risks, further adaptation efforts are vital, and a low-carbon development path is critical to a resilient future for Bangladesh.

In the face of multiple severe risks from climate change, Bangladesh urgently needs to spur more private sector involvement not only to deliver the billions of dollars needed for climate action but also to drive innovation and efficiency to benefit and protect the country’s people.

Investing in public services, nature-based solutions, and infrastructure in urban areas-including affordable housing, resilient transport connectivity, and water and waste management-will help cities prepare for an influx of climate migrants.

With rapid urbanization, income growth, and changing dietary patterns, opportunities exist for more efficient, low-carbon agriculture and food systems while increasing resilience and rural incomes.

Saiful Islam
Dhaka, Bangladesh
