Report against VP Nur, 4 others Nov 3

Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court on Wednesday fixed November 3 for submitting probe report in the case filed against five including Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU) Vice President (VP) Nurul Haq Nur, for allegedly assaulting Rokeya Hall provost Dr Zeenat Huda.
Magistrate Sorafuzzaman Ansari of the CMM Court of Dhaka fixed the date as the Investigation Officer could not submit the report yesterday.
According to the case document, the accused on the morning of March 11 during the voting of DUCSU polls tried to spread rumour among the students. As the
Hall provost tried to calm the situation down, they assaulted her and abused some other students also. Dhaka University student Marjuka Raina on that day filed the case against five with Shahbagh Police Station.