Security guard stabbed to death in Dhaka’s Agargaon


A 55-year-old man was stabbed to death in Dhaka’s Agargaon area early Monday.

The deceased was identified as Azim Sheikh. He was a security guard of 59 West Agargaon Mia Tower. Azim was from the Tangail district.

Imam Hossain, owner of a flat in Mia Tower, said a young man named Sagor, 18, who is a tenant at the building, is the perpetrator.

Around 3 am, Sagor locked into an altercation with security guard Azim over opening the gate late at night, Imam Hossain said.


At one stage, Sagor stabbed Azim with a sharp weapon, leaving him critically injured.

Azim was first admitted to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital. From there, he was taken to the emergency department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital, where doctors declared him dead around 4 am.

Sagor also suffered minor injuries during the scuffle and went to the hospital for treatment.
