Street vendors block Dhanmondi-Mirpur road


City Desk  :
Street vendors on Sunday blocked a section of the Dhanmondi-Mirpur road in the capital, demanding authorities to let them operate their businesses on the roadsides.
They took position in front of the Metro Shopping Mall in the capital’s Dhanmondi area around 11am.
Due to this, the traffic on the roads was disrupted, causing gridlock and suffering to officegoers.
Many people opted to go to their destinations on foot as the road from New Market to Asadgate was closed.
The street vendors reportedly said they would stay on the road till Ferdous Ahmed, the Member of Parliament of Dhaka-10, accepts their demands.
Dhanmondi police station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Parvez Islam said: “The hawkers were evicted from the Dhanmondi area on the instructions of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Habibur Rahman.”
The OC added that the hawkers are currently on the west side of the Dhanmondi-Mirpur road.
