Temperature is increasing due to environmental pollution


Dr. SM Jahangir Alam :
The temperature of the earth is increasing every day. The only reason for this increase in temperature is the increase in the amount of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.

These gases are created for greenhouse reactions. Among the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide gas is particularly harmful to the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is getting polluted every day due to environmental pollution. As a result, the temperature of the earth is gradually increasing.

Environmental scientists have warned that environmental disasters will continue to occur in a way that has never been seen before.

So their wise opinion is that steps must be taken now to prevent this catastrophe. For this reason, the countries of the world should unite to prevent the disaster by taking necessary measures.

The temperature of the earth is increasing every day. The only reason for this increase in temperature is the increase in the amount of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.

These gases are created for greenhouse reactions. Among the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide gas is particularly harmful to the atmosphere.

In our country this gas is increasing day by day due to free burning of brick kilns, burning of coal and gas and burning of forests. As a result, the entire environment is being polluted – the world is changing.

Scientists say that due to the increase in global temperature, drought, cyclones and heavy rains will increase.

The temperature of sea water is gradually increasing. As a result, large areas will be flooded. The negative effects of which we have already started getting through natural disasters. In the words of scientists – the temperature of the earth is 3 cm.

If this increases, the climate will change drastically. Abnormally high temperatures will lead to the melting of ice caps in the Polar Regions, increasing the amount of water in seas and oceans.

Moreover, the global temperature of the earth is increasing due to continuous increase of carbon dioxide gas. A lot of ice is accumulated in the Polar Regions.


With the increase in weather temperature, these ice blocks have started melting and the sea water is evaporating and creating clouds in the sky. Scientists fear the heat radiated by the clouds will make many desert regions fertile.

Conversely, many fertile areas may become deserts. One region of the world will benefit – another region will suffer. Due to the destruction of green forests, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is increasing.

Bangladesh’s growing population is polluting the environment. This is polluting the country’s environment. This is putting severe pressure on the country’s natural resources.

And due to this population problem, crop production, construction of commercial establishments and roads, forestry and fish farming are being done on the land of the country thinking about the natural balance.

We all know that money is another name for life. But the sad fact is that the water which was supposed to be safe is now most unsafe due to environmental pollution.

Trees are man’s best friend. Plants maintain the balance of the environment. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air but also release oxygen gas. This gasified oxygen we consume. Thus there is a balance between plants and animals.

As a result, the environment is also good. According to environmental scientists, the country has about 25 percent green forests need. But the amount of forest land in our country is only 16 times. This amount of forest land is very less to maintain the balance of nature.

Due to the greenhouse effect, the temperature of the earth is continuously increasing every day, endangering the earth. In fact, the problem of greenhouse effect is not a single problem of any country. It has become a serious international problem. Environmental scientists of the world are very worried about this.

This problem is more pronounced in countries that are relatively developed and have more industries. What needs to be done in this regard is to stop environmental pollution and prevent the release of toxic gases.

For this, a different source of fuel has to be found – a large amount of forest land has to be created. Environmental awareness can solve this serious problem, so the people of the world must work together to protect the balance of the environment.

(The author is Bir Muktijodha, former Tax Commissioner and Director-Bangladesh
Satellite Co. Ltd)
