Trishal Press Club election held


Staff Reporter Mymensingh :

Trishal Upazila Press Club of Mymensingh’s bi-annual election was held last Friday at the club office. Correspondent of Dainik Jugantar and Nagrik TV Khorshidul Alam Mojeeb was elected as president and HM Zobair Hossain, Correspondent of Dainik Aamder Somy and New Nation was elected as general secretary for the second time.
On Friday (December 22nd) from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, polling was held in the press club auditorium in a festive atmosphere. Trishal Upazila UNO Jewel Ahmed Chief Election Commissioner, Upazila Project Implementation Officer. Engineer Borhan Uddin performed duties as Shahid Ullah returning officer and presiding officer. Trishal Upazila Nirbahi Officer and Trishal Press Club Election-2023 Chief Election Commissioner Jewel Ahmed announced the result after counting the votes. Newly elected President of Trishal Press Club Khorshidul Alam Mojib and General Secretary HM Zobair Hossain congratulated Mymensingh Divisional Press Club along with various political, social, voluntary organizations and cultural organizations.