UK to spend £6b for BD, other climate vulnerable states

Staff Reporter :
British High Commissioner to Bangladesh Robert Chatterton Dickson on Saturday said that the United Kingdom (UK) would spend some £6 billion pound ($7.48) to help Bangladesh and other climate-vulnerable states for addressing the adverse impacts of climate change.
“UK is committed to combating climate change as a way to protect and promote peace throughout the world,” the High Commissioner as saying in a video message.
The message in marking the International Day of Peace added there is a close link between the climate and peace.
Referring to Bangladesh’s progress over the last decade in preparing for and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters, he said: “The UK is working very closely with Bangladesh on the climate adaptation.”
The UK will lead the resilience and adaptation track in partnership with Bangladesh at next week’s UN Climate Action Summit, he said, adding that the UK will work together to seek global commitment on adapting to climate impacts and building resilience for the future.
In clarifying the UK’s commitment to the UN call for taking action to tackle
climate change he said the UK’s Department for International Development has announced a doubling of its spending on climate and environment. “As part of this we have already committed to replenishing the Green Climate Fund.”