Wealth of Whip Samsul Haque, wife multiplied 41-fold since 2008


Chattogram-12 (Patiya) constituency’s Member of Parliament Samsul Haque Chowdhury had a 41-fold increase in his income over the past decade, as per the affidavit submitted to the Election Commission (EC) on the occasion of the 12th National Election.

Although currently a member of the Awami League, Samsul was not endorsed by the party this time.

He chose to contest the 12th National Elections as an independent candidate, submitting his affidavit to the EC on November 30.

The document showed a substantial surge in Samsul and his wife’s wealth, exceeding approximately 41 times the assets declared in the affidavit submitted in 2008.

During the 15 years as an Awami League parliamentarian, Samsul Haque accumulated significant personal assets.

In the affidavit submitted to the EC on November 30, it was disclosed that the combined wealth of Samsul Haque and his wife has grown nearly 41 times since the 2008 election.

Despite the rejection by the Awami League, Samsul Haque’s financial status has remarkably flourished.

The affidavit revealed that in 2008, his annual income was Tk 295,000, derived from properties such as a house, apartment, shop, and a business that yielded Tk 250,000.


However, the current scenario is vastly different. According to the latest affidavit submitted for the 12th National Elections, Samsul Haque’s annual income, including his wife’s, stands at Tk 8,852,198.

Of this, his wife contributes Tk 2,563,318 to the combined income.

The breakdown of their annual income revealed that from properties like houses, apartments, and shops, Samsul earns Tk 1,369,584, while his business yields Tk 650,000.

Income from shares, savings certificates, or bank deposits amounts to Tk 796,108.

The salary from the whip position is Tk 1,140,000, and other sources contribute Tk 2,369,188.

Similarly, his wife earns Tk 415,858 annually from properties and Tk 580,000 from the business. Savings certificates contribute Tk 460,842, and bank deposits yield Tk 1,466,718.

Despite the surge in wealth, the Election Commission will scrutinise the affidavit submitted for any inconsistencies or irregularities.
