Workers Party rolls out election manifesto


City Desk  :

The Workers Party of Bangladesh, an ally of the Awami League, on Saturday unveiled its election manifesto for the upcoming 12th parliamentary elections, which slated to be held on January 7.
The party announced its 28-point manifesto including 144 clauses.
Comrade Noor Ahmed Bakul, a member of the political bureau of the party, announced the manifesto in a press conference at the National Press Club on Saturday morning.
Announcing the manifesto, Noor Ahmed said: “The 12th parliamentary election is going to be held on January 7. We are an ally organization of 14-party alliance. We are participating in polls in coalition.”
“Besides, we have given candidates separately. Some 23 candidates of Workers Party of Bangladesh will be in the polls with the party’s Hammer symbol and two candidates with Awami League’s Boat symbol,” he said.